Tuesday, October 11, 2011

101 Reasons Not to Write

The perfect novel is in my head. I see it and hear it night and day. It's teriffic. Believe me, I've carried it in my head a long time and it disappears off shelves faster than it can be restocked. Wow! A best seller. To be honest, there's one problem. It never hits the book stores. It stays in my head. Perhaps you don't have ADHD, or struggle with procrastination, like me, but chances are you experience the problem of getting the words out of your head in tangible form. There are 101 reasons, and more that keep those words a prisoner in the mind. Short of purchasing a bucket of butt glue I found the key and unlocked Among the Jimson Weeds and it's off and running. That's all there is to it, right? No. I still find 101 ways to delay the act of planting my butt in front of the work at hand, but I pull a few techniques out of the bag that trick my impulsive mind to work with me instead of against me. The purpose of Words Get in your Head is to share how I keep on task, and to have readers share what works for them. We need to write . . . right?

1 comment:

  1. This entire blog is great. I am going to recommend it to all my friends. It's inspiring. Thank you for taking the time to post such valuable information.
