Saturday, October 22, 2011

Good-bye schedule, hello boredom

Wouldn't it be nice to eliminate schedules? Do what we want when we want? In my up-coming novel, the young protagonist wails about schedules being too confining. In reference to chores he says, "It's like the damn cows will blow up if they aren't milked exactly at six o'clock morning and night."

Obviously, schedules are necessary. Imagine being told your flight to New Orleans leaves sometime in the afternoon, or that the doctor can see you after his hospital rounds. Even knowing schedules are necessary to get done what we want to accomplish, it's easy to let them slide. Not only is production effected, but unscheduled time opens the stream of destructive behaviors.

Whatever the addiction, it welcomes unscheduled time. Hours in front of the television, mindless eating, drinking, endless Internet surfing and viewing . . . all time wasters that can become emotionally and physically unhealthy.

Perhaps Conor, the aforementioned protagonist, should be told that a caveat of no schedules is boredom.

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